I am probably one of the few over eighteen crowd that have immersed herself in the Twilight series. It's hard for a stay at home mom to make a place for herself, outside of the reality that is her home life. Well, meet Stephenie Meyer. Her series about the modern day Romeo and Juliet of the vampire world, is fast paced and never boring.
I started reading the series on a Saturday and had the whole thing done by Thursday. I just couldn't put it down. The chemistry she had with her two main characters Bella and Edward, was absolutely breathtaking. I even saw myself in Bella. From the stubbornness to even having almost the same birthday. She made you wish it was your world. That you had even the slightest bit of that fantasy. It wasn't one of your typical teen-bopper romances that left you feeling like you just wasted twenty bucks. It was so much more.
There was loyalty to keeping your family a secret. Undying love and passion, and violence. In the first book we meet up a clan of vampires that don't live the same way as Edward's. Edward's family only hunts animals and tries their best to blend in to the human world. The renegade clan doesn't. They hunt humans, enjoying the hunt. When one of them who goes by James, sees Bella. He just can't resist the thrill of taking her from Edward. Thus making the hunt that much sweeter to him. The rest of the series revolves around the renegade clan and eventually some much older vampires. They see themselves as the rule makers for their world, also known as the Volturi.
With all the danger there is in Edward's world he just can't seem to resist taking Bella along for the ride. He doesn't want to endanger her, but neither one of them can let go of the other one. They are two halves of the same whole, put on the Earth for the point of each other. I am a stay at home mom, and reading is one of my passions. Finding a story that can hold my interest is tough. Stephenie Meyer succeeded. She's the best up and coming author that I have had the pleasure of immersing myself in.
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