According to Websters dictionary, life is the quality that distinguishes a vital and functional being from a dead body; a principle or force that is considered to underlie the distinctive quality of animate beings.
Well that about says it all, right? After all, dont you consider yourself not to be a dead body? I know I do. Cant I walk, breathe, think and eat? No dead body can do that. But I imagine that there is far more to life than that. It all comes down to why are we here? Regardless of your religious beliefs, you must have wondered about your place in the cosmos. How you got here is another topic. Why you were given life is this topic.
It began in the womb. A life force entered your fetus and thus began your life. You emerged as a baby with all that was required to begin your journey. Your environment, parents, and circumstance controlled your future. Whether it began in a small African village or a mansion in New York, you were placed and deposited into a life that you eventually could control. Free-will gave you the ability to make decisions and move forward. Each choice determined your fate and what you would become. Exterior events would shape and mold these turning points. But ultimately, you would die and pass on to another place. These latter facts are unchangeable and cannot be denied.
So lets look at your life from several aspects. As you read this article, you are nodding in agreement but are you comprehending what it means? What is your purpose on earth? Are you taking full advantage of being here? If life is a train, what part do you play? Are you the engineer that drives it? Or the conductor taking tickets? Do you stoke the fire or are you simply a passenger? Maybe you designed it or thought about how it could be made better or you look at the tracks and think where they may lead. So, what is life?
Webster takes the literal approach. Philosophers move to cerebral thinking. But stop and think about life itself. From the lowly bacteria to up to the complex mammals like ourselves, we all must be here for a reason. Life is not random. It could not have evolved haphazardly. Gases didnt somehow form life 3.5 billion years ago. Our best scientists still cant reproduce life. Of course, life is a condition, not a science experiment. Its filled with sensations and emotions. Its interactive and palpable. So are you sensing it?
Do you allow your senses to soak up life and all its awe? Do you bathe in the glory that it offers? From the earths natural wonders to a simple butterfly or hummingbird? Do you marvel at sunsets, oh and ah at thunderstorms, smile at freshly-fallen snow and sniff flowers or fields of new-mowed grass? Do you revel in the most basic of pleasures? Chocolate, pizza, jazz music, an old black and white John Wayne movie, or a kiss from your lover? Do you wake up each day thankful for the day ahead or dread it? Do you realize that this is most likely the only life youll ever have? A life bursting with opportunity to explore and expand ones mind. Do you dream of what might be or what might have been?
It makes a difference. As you take each breathe and let your body energize itself, consider what life is doing. It is giving you a glimpse into a reality that inanimate objects can never have. The metallic and wooden items that surround you dont live life. The enormous sun, the mighty wind, the colossal oceans and the vast earth are merely foils and backgrounds for your whims or whimsy. They are things that help enrich your life. Instead, you get to play in this amazing playground of natures paradise. But remember, once its over, your chances disappear as well.
So, in summary, carpe diem and seize the day. Embrace what life you have left and live, love, laugh, and experience the remarkable expedition called life. You dont really need a guidebook or explanation as to what it means if your are truly living it to its greatest potential. So, to all of you who are celebrating a birthday today, I congratulate you on another year of life.
Jeffrey Hauser was a sales consultant for the Bell System Yellow Pages for nearly 25 years. He graduated from Pratt Institute with a BFA in Advertising and has a Master's Degree in teaching. He had his own advertising agency in Scottsdale, Arizona and ran a consulting and design firm, ABC Advertising. He has authored 6 books and a novel, "Pursuit of the Phoenix." His latest book is, "Inside the Yellow Pages" which can be seen at his website, Currently, he is the Marketing Director for, a Health Information and Doctor Referral site.