Hypnosis For Eating Disorders

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It is sad to say that there are many people in the world today that suffer with some type of eating disorder. There are people that suffer with anorexia where they choose not to eat at all in hope to make their body look the way they want it to. When the look at them selves in the mirror, they see a person who is overweight and then they obsess with doing what they can to lose weight. This generally involves a starvation diet and intense exercising.

Another common form of an eating disorder is binging and purging. This is where the person who suffers with eating disorder will binge on food or gorge themselves on things like sweets and snacks. They will then purge the food from their system by making themselves vomit. By eating this way, they allow themselves to taste the food they see as forbidden without having to deal with the calories or weight gain. Bulimia is very similar to binge eating but the person will eat meals as normal then purge right after.

Many people do not realize that they can use hypnosis for eating disorders. You can seek help with a therapist that does hypnotherapy. Your first visit will be a chance for you and the doctor to get to know one another. Your sessions will then focus on learning relaxation techniques that are geared towards eating disorders. This is where your therapist will introduce new eating behaviors to your subconscious mind. Your therapist will work with you on how to do self hypnosis so that the help will be there round the clock when you need it.

You can expect to see yourself improving as your sessions go on. Many people with eating disorders say that had immense help from hypnosis and they learned how to deal with the emotional part of the illness. You will instill new eating habits and gain control back over your life. People that suffer with binge eating will find that they can overcome the urges they have and people with bulimia will find they feel more in control. People with anorexia have said that they learned to feel better about themselves and they learn to really see themselves. Even people that suffer with comfort eating learn to deal with their emotions rather then to turn to food.

When you start hypnosis for your eating disorder, you can expect to go through about 4 to ten sessions. Your therapist will most likely have your sessions last approximately 30 minutes. It is important that you be diagnosed by a medical professional before you seek such treatment as hypnosis. You want to be sure that you are doing what is right for you and your eating disorder. Hypnosis is a great treatment as there are no effects as there is with traditional medicines.

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